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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

while there's still time..

owh man, just now, my bio teacher bagi kiteorg tgk satu video nih.. it was a video about what happened to a person yang tak solat masa dia masih hidup di muka bumi ini..

mmg khusyuk btol semua orang menonton video tersebut sampai cikgu kata dah abih masa pun, still dok tercegat lagi dok duduk nk tgk video tuh..

but that's not the whole point of it..
the thing tht i wanna share about is what was the video all about..'s like this. this one young guy who was listening contentedly to the music while chilling with his fellow friends.. and they continued playing till late at night. then his father asked him and his friends to go n get ready from prayer. unlike his other friends, he barely did anything even though his father had asked him many times.yet, he continued listening to the music.what worse was that,even when the azan was heard, he seemed not to be bothered to stop the song tht he's listening to and continued listening to it. time passed..and then came the "malaikat maut" aka the reaper..

then its showed the death moment of this guy who didn't pray.. it was very and extremely and TOTALLY creepy and horrifying.. so you guys better don't PURPOSELY skip solat..cause the one up there knows everything.. REMEMBER..

"wahai saudara ku, sujud la kita semua sementara masih ada masa. hal ini kerana, kita tidak tahu bila ajal kita akan tiba, mungkin esok, mungkin lusa atau mungkin sejurus selepas anda membaca artikel ini. apapun, sujud la memohon pengampunan ke atas segala kesilapan yang telah kita lakukan selama kita hidup ini.setiap saat adalah peluang untuk kita bertaubat. dan bertaubatlah kita dengan hati yang ikhlas.insyaAllah, taubat kita akan diterima ALLAH"

"O my brother, lets pray while there's still time. It is because we do not know when our death will come, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow or maybe right after you read this article. Whatever it is, don't ever stop praying,and ask for forgiveness for all mistakes that we have done throughout our whole lives. this is the opportunity. grab it while there's still time. Sincerity is the key.insyaAllah, He will accept the repentance of us all "


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