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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

can three be one..??

sometimes it's okay, but most of the times, it's just not right..

when there are three persons, the situation will become more difficult than just two. This is because, one of them will probably feel left out.

she maybe not being technically left out by her friends but she felt as though she was just interrupting them or something like that. but one of the friends seemed not to understand the situation. She simply jumped into the conclusion that her friend purposely ignored them and decided to go with the other group.

the truth is that the girl is trying to mix with other people so that she won't be depending and relying much on her friends. She doesn't want to be a burden to her friends. But, again, her friend didn't understand and started not to talk to her.

Luckily, another friend of her is kinda okay. but sometimes, she does that as well.

maybe,some of you will be asking, "why didn't she just tell the truth to her friends".. "then this misunderstanding will be solved"..

well, it's not that simple. even if she tells the truth, the thing might stop for a while but then it will start again after sometimes..

they're still teenagers, they would be most probably thinking of wanted to strengthen the friendship and things like that. but i personally think, that there is other important things to do. for example would be, make friends with many people, cause it's not guaranteed that we'll be with our group once we're in university, so that we won't be facing a social skills problems. of course, we should hold on to the friendship,as they're still our best friends who were there during hard and sweet times.

another thing that kinda bothered me is when one of the best friends started to control the others just because she afraid that the friendship will not last long if they didn't do things together and stuff like that.

again, for me that perception is kinda narrow. i mean, it doesn't really matter if we 're hanging out with some friends other than our own best friends, as long as we remember them every single's doesn't mean that if we're hangin out with other people,it's like we decided not to be friend with our best friends.. please, for those who are apparently having this kind of perception., com'on get rid of it far away from your mind..

as long as every single member of the group is sincere with the friendship. it will definitely last eternally.. no worries..

till next time.. syukran.. ^_^

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