~ spread the ♥ ya'll ~

Friday, January 16, 2015



وَأَنَّ هَٰذَا صِرَاطِي مُسْتَقِيمًا فَاتَّبِعُوهُ ۖ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا السُّبُلَ فَتَفَرَّقَ بِكُمْ عَنْ سَبِيلِهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُمْ بِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ
" dan bahawa (yang Kami perintahkan ini) adalah jalan-Ku yang lurus, maka ikutilah dia, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti jalan-jalan (yang lain), karena jalan-jalan itu mencerai beraikan kamu dari jalan-Nya. Yang demikian itu diperintahkan Allah agar kamu bertakwa."

Al An'am, Ayat 153.

cukupkah Islam kita dengan ibadat solat lima waktu, puasa, haji, mengaji al Quran, selawat, zikir....mungkin...cukup tu mungkin..untuk diri sendiri at least.. tapi bukankah manusia itu sangat menyukai penambahbaikan ke arah kesempurnaan? .... ;)

kalau di dunia yang sementara ini kita sanggup bekerja keras untuk hidup senang,
semestinya untuk kesenangan kehidupan akhirat yang kekal itu kita kena double the work kan? guna sebaiknya dunia ini untuk akhirat yosh!..

apabila diajak untuk bersama bekerja untuk Islam, meninggikan hukum Allah, mengajak manusia ke arah kebaikan, menolak kemungkaran dan maksiat..sepertinya kita teragak-agak?

Singkap semula bagaimana Islam tersebar sehingga kita dapat merasai nikmat berharga ini sehingga sekarang.
Bagaimana keperitan dan kesusahan Rasulullah SAW, dicaci, dilukai, bersembunyi, malah sanggup mengambil jalan jauh bagi mengelakkan daripada dijumpai musuh semata-mata untuk sampaikan ke destinasi bagi memastikan dakwah Islam terus berjalan dan tersebar luas. ya demi tersebarnya kalimah tauhid itu.
Doa-doa baginda juga sentiasa mempunyai kita, umat baginda di dalamnya..

Bagaimana pula dengan diri ya?
Allah tunjukkan realiti umat hari ini
segala yang berlaku adalah natijah
yang akarnya harus dirawat
kukuhkan fardhu muslim sentiasa,
di samping persediaan untuk tangga-tangga seterusnya.
tangga-tangga itu tidak boleh dinaiki berseorangan
ayuh, bersamalah dalam kumpulan
sedarlah, setiap zaman, punya kumpulan yang akan berjuang mempertahankan Islam,
selepas baginda Rasulullah, perjuangan ini diteruskan oleh para sahabat dan orang islam seterusnya,
kerana musuh-musuh Islam itu tidak pernah duduk diam
sentiasa punya rencana menjauhkan umat daripada Islam

nah, bagaimana dengan zaman ini?
rasailah setiap kita punya peranannya sekarang..
ya sekarang, kerana jaminkah kita masih hidup pada masa akan datang,
tiada jaminan kan? maka mulalah sebarkan keindahan Islam ini...
sudah masanya, kita mulakan langkah di atas jalan ini
jalan dimana pahit itu dirasakannya manis sangat
lihatlah pengorbanan luar biasa mereka terdahulu
keyakinan mereka pada amanah yang dibawa,
mengejar kebahagiaan kehidupan selepasnya..
terus istiqamah sehingga berjumpa Sang Pencipta
yakin dengan pertolongan dariNya
Surah Muhammad, ayat 7

till then spread the peace and salam..


One day, when we were discussing about Health Care Management, there was this one subtopic about managing and leading.

Our lecturer began the discussion by a question :
"Who's the best leader you've ever known in this world?"

pretty sure everybody will say that beautiful name,
i even heard some of my friends whispering his name,
but no one had the courage to say it out loud.
yeap, including me... grrr.dush!. =.='

"or...maybe leader in your country?"
then one voice broke the silence...
"Dr Mahathir Mohamad"
indeed, he is one of the well-known figure in Malaysia, even among the community here in Egypt..

Dr then continued by showing us some pictures of great leaders from all over the world. Leaders who had contributed a lot in changing their nation/people and country.

being inspired by all the great leaders, Dr finally revealed the answer to her question.. "Yes, they are great leaders aren't they.. but among all the great leaders we've seen just now, of course the best leader in the world of all time is none other than our great messenger, Rasulullah SAW. (SNAP! had goosebumps once i heard this, eyes began to tear up, MasyaAllah, such a beautiful dakwah to her students while teaching us.. kan!!! :') ) .

man seriously Dr!!! macam nak peluk jaaa Dr T.T

She continued,"Rasulullah SAW had succeeded in educating the people who knew nothing about Islam, to practice Islam as their way of life with strong believe and faith. From zero to billions and billions followers.Subhanallah"

His messages, his words, his teachings are taught from one generation to another and is being practiced till now. Even some of his enemy called him with a good name, which is Al-Amin, because of the good character portrayed by him regardless to whom he's talking to. friends or enemy.

Yeap, he isn't with us anymore in this world my friends,
but do know that He does always
and even Correct
Us, His beloved Ummah~
through Al-Quran, Hadith, Seerah etc..

really!! for example in Surah al-Buruj (Alhamdulillah, thanks to my lovely sisters of Sweet Caliphs for the beautiful sharing <3 nbsp="" p="">
The sahabah told Rasulullah about the hardship they're facing, He believed that they can face this, encouraged them with a story of the believers in verse 3-6 Surah Al-Buruj, which eventually as though it's a challenge for them to be strong as well and make the believers before them, as an example.

She ended her sentence with this

'Know that a great leader carries a great burden behind his shoulder. The greater he is, the bigger is the burden, Rasulullah is the best leader, thus, the burden carried by him, the hardship he experienced, could never be imagined or compared by others..

so, hold on to these 'treasures' throughout our temporary life here..
for we are waiting for that eternal meeting in the hereafter. insyaAllah.~

till then,

spread the salam and peace~
Sollu 'alannabi~
